making chai
maybe it's not authentic, but making chai for a snowday in Brooklyn

1/2 t fennel or anise seeds
4 cardamon pods
6 whole cloves
1 inch piece of cinnamon stick
1/2 t black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
1 inch piece of fresh ginger peeled and sliced
1 c water + 1 c milk
1 T black Assam tea
raw sugar
lightly toast spices for about 1 minute or until fragrant
crush spices a bit in motar and pestle, then put in stainless saucepan.
add ginger and milk + water and tea leaves.
bring to a gentle boil then simmer for about 5 minutes.
add sugar if desired
strain into little bitty chai cups
adapted from David Tanis
and thanks to Mr V for the nice red chai cups